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with hysteria

  • 1 hysteria

    Hysterie, die
    * * *
    1) (a severe nervous upset which causes eg uncontrolled laughing or crying, imaginary illnesses etc.) die Hysterie
    2) (uncontrolled excitement, eg of a crowd of people: mass hysteria.) die Hysterie
    - academic.ru/36470/hysterical">hysterical
    - hysterically
    - hysterics
    - go into hysterics
    * * *
    [hɪˈstɪəriə, AM -steri-]
    1. PSYCH Hysterie f
    2. (excitement) Hysterie f
    she was close to \hysteria sie stand kurz vor einem hysterischen Anfall
    * * *
    Hysterie f
    * * *
    hysteria [hısˈtıərıə; US auch hıˈste-] s MED und fig Hysterie f
    * * *
    Hysterie, die
    * * *
    Hysterie -n f.

    English-german dictionary > hysteria

  • 2 come to grips with

    1) (smb. или smth.) вступить в борьбу с кем-л. или с чем-л., пойти на конфликт [этим. спорт. схватиться (о борцах)]

    The cat and the dog moved from floor to cardboard box, to suitcase, like a couple of chess knights who cannot get to grips. (Gr. Greene, ‘The Quiet American’, part IV, ch. II) — Кошка и собака прыгали с пола на картонки, а оттуда на чемодан, как шахматные кони, которые никак не могут сразиться друг с другом.

    He reasoned: if he could finally learn what bedeviled Kelt, between them they might come to grips with it. (A. Halley, ‘Airport’, part III, ch. I) — Мэл рассуждал следующим образом: если бы мне удалось разузнать, что мучит брата, то вместе мы нашли бы способ справиться с его бедой.

    2) (smth.) столкнуться с чем-л.; вплотную заняться чем-л., близко познакомиться с чем-л.; затронуть что-либо

    Amnesty has a powerful and attractive mass appeal and comes to grips with many of the vital issues involved in this struggle to restore and defend the Bill of Rights, to repeal and nullify the Smith and McCarran Acts, to combat war hysteria. (E. Dennis, ‘Letters from Prison’) — Призыв к амнистии находит сильнейший отклик в массах и затрагивает множество важнейших проблем, связанных с борьбой за восстановление и защиту Билля о правах, за отмену и упразднение законов Смита и Маккарена, против военной истерии.

    Adam at last came to grips with the Skeffington campaign. (E. O'Connor, ‘The Last Hurrah’, part II, ch. VII) — Наконец-то Адаму довелось познакомиться с политической кампанией, проводимой Скеффингтоном.

    But before I come to closer grips with the problem, I want to get rid of my headache. (J. Wain, ‘Strike the Father Dead’, part V, ‘Jeremy’) — Сначала я должен избавиться от головной боли, а уж потом вплотную заниматься этой проблемой.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > come to grips with

  • 3 work

    A n
    1 ( physical or mental activity) travail m (on sur) ; to be at work on sth être en train de travailler à qch ; to watch sb at work regarder qn (en train de) travailler ; to go to ou set to ou get to work se mettre au travail ; to go to ou set to ou get to work on sth se mettre à travailler à or faire qch ; to set to work doing se mettre à faire ; to put a lot of work into travailler [essay, speech] ; passer beaucoup de temps sur [meal, preparations] ; to put a lot of work into doing passer beaucoup de temps à faire ; to put ou set sb to work faire travailler qn ; we put him to work doing nous lui avons donné pour tâche de faire ; it was hard work doing ça a été dur de faire ; to be hard at work travailler consciencieusement ; your essay needs more work tu dois travailler davantage ta rédaction ; there's still a lot of work to be done il reste encore beaucoup à faire ; I've got work to do j'ai du travail à faire ; to make short ou light work of sth expédier qch ; to make short work of sb envoyer promener qn ; it's all in a day's work c'est une question d'habitude ; ‘good ou nice work’ ( on written work) ‘bon travail’ ; ( orally) ‘c'est bien!’ ; it's hot/thirsty work ça donne chaud/soif ;
    2 ( occupation) travail m ; to be in work avoir du travail or un emploi ; to look for work chercher du travail ; day/night work travail de jour/nuit ; place of work lieu m de travail ; to start ou begin work ( daily) commencer le travail ; ( for the first time) commencer à travailler ; to stop work ( at the end of the day) terminer son travail ; ( on retirement) cesser de travailler ; to be off work ( on vacation) être en congé ; to be off work with flu être en arrêt de travail parce qu'on a la grippe ; to be out of work être au chômage ; nice work if you can get it ! c'est une bonne planque ! ;
    3 ( place of employment) ( office) bureau m ; ( factory) usine f ; to go to work aller au travail ; don't phone me at work ne me téléphone pas à mon travail ; there's a canteen at work il y a une cantine à mon travail ;
    4 (building, construction) travaux mpl (on sur) ;
    5 ( papers) to take one's work home lit emporter du travail chez soi ; fig ramener ses soucis professionnels à sa famille ; spread your work out on the table étale tes papiers sur la table ;
    6 (achievement, product) (essay, report) travail m ; (artwork, novel, sculpture) œuvre f (by de) ; ( study) ouvrage m (by de ; on sur) ; an exhibition of work by young artists une exposition d'œuvres de jeunes artistes ; he sells his work to tourists il vend ses créations aux touristes ; is this all your own work? est-ce que vous l'avez fait tout seul? ; to mark students' work noter les devoirs des étudiants ; his work isn't up to standard son travail n'a pas le niveau requis ; the research was the work of a team la recherche était l'œuvre d'une équipe ; a work of genius une œuvre de génie ; a work of fiction une œuvre de fiction ; a work of reference un ouvrage de référence ; this attack is the work of professionals l'attaque est l'œuvre de professionnels ; I hope you're pleased with your work! iron j'espère que tu es fier de ton œuvre! iron ; the works of Shakespeare/Flaubert l'œuvre m de Shakespeare/Flaubert ;
    7 Phys travail m ;
    8 ( research) recherches fpl (on sur) ; there is still a lot of work to be done on the virus il y a encore beaucoup de recherches à faire sur le virus ;
    9 ( effect) to go to work [drug, detergent] agir ; the weedkiller has done its work l'herbicide a été efficace.
    1 ( factory) usine f ; works canteen cantine f de l'usine ;
    2 ( building work) travaux mpl ; public works travaux publics ;
    3 ( everything) the (full ou whole) works toute la panoplie .
    C modif [clothes, shoes] de travail ; [phone number] au travail.
    D vtr
    1 ( drive) to work sb hard surmener qn ;
    2 ( labour) to work shifts travailler en équipes (de travail posté) ; to work days/nights travailler de jour/de nuit ; to work one's passage Naut travailler pour payer son voyage ; to work one's way through university travailler pour payer ses études ; to work one's way through a book/document lire un livre/document ; to work a 40 hour week faire la semaine de 40 heures ;
    3 ( operate) se servir de [computer, equipment, lathe] ;
    4 ( exploit commercially) exploiter [oil-field, land, mine, seam] ;
    5 ( have as one's territory) [representative] couvrir [region] ; beggars/prostitutes work the streets around the station les mendiants/prostituées occupent les rues autour de la gare ;
    6 ( consume) to work one's way through ( use) utiliser [amount, quantity] ; to work one's way through two whole cakes manger deux gâteaux entiers ;
    7 ( bring about) to work wonders/miracles lit, fig faire des merveilles/miracles ; the landscape started to work its magic on me la magie du paysage a commencé à faire effet ;
    8 ( use to one's advantage) to work the system profiter du système ; can you work it for me to get tickets? peux-tu t'arranger pour m'avoir des billets? ; how did you manage to work it? comment as-tu pu arranger ça? ; I've worked things so that… j'ai arrangé les choses de sorte que… (+ subj) ;
    9 ( fashion) travailler [clay, dough, gold, iron] ; to work sth to a soft consistency travailler qch pour le rendre malléable ; to work gold into jewellery travailler l'or pour en faire des bijoux ;
    10 ( embroider) broder [design] (into sur) ; to be worked in blue silk être brodé à la soie bleue ;
    11 ( manoeuvre) to work sth into introduire qch dans [slot, hole] ; to work a lever up and down actionner un levier ;
    12 ( exercise) faire travailler [muscles, biceps] ;
    13 ( move) to work one's way through se frayer un passage à travers [crowd] ; to work one's way along avancer le long de [ledge, sill] ; to work one's hands free se libérer les mains ; to work the rope loose desserrer la corde ; it worked its way loose, it worked itself loose il s'est desserré peu à peu ; to work its way into passer dans [bloodstream, system, food, chain] ; start at the top and work your way down commencez par le haut et continuez jusqu'en bas.
    E vi
    1 ( engage in activity) travailler (doing à faire) ; to work at the hospital/the factory travailler à l'hôpital/l'usine ; to work at home travailler à domicile ; to work as a midwife/teacher travailler comme sage-femme/professeur ; to work for sb travailler pour qn ; to work for Grant and Company travailler pour la Société Grant ; to work in advertising/publishing travailler dans la publicité/l'édition ; to work with young people travailler avec les jeunes ; to work for a living gagner sa vie ; to work in oils/watercolours [artist] travailler à l'huile/l'aquarelle ;
    2 ( strive) lutter (against contre ; for pour ; to do pour faire) ; to work against corruption lutter contre la corruption ; to work towards se diriger vers [solution] ; s'acheminer vers [compromise] ; négocier [agreement] ;
    3 ( function) [equipment, machine] fonctionner, marcher ; [institution, system, heart, brain] fonctionner ; to work on electricity/on gas marcher or fonctionner à l'électricité/au gaz ; to work off the mains marcher sur le secteur ; the washing machine isn't working la machine à laver est en panne or ne marche pas ;
    4 (act, operate) it doesn't ou things don't work like that ça ne marche pas comme ça ; to work on the assumption that présumer que ; to work in sb's favour, to work to sb's advantage tourner à l'avantage de qn ; to work against sb, to work to sb's disadvantage jouer en la défaveur de qn ;
    5 ( be successful) [treatment] avoir de l'effet ; [detergent, drug] agir (against contre ; on sur) ; [spell] agir ; [plan, plot] réussir ; [argument, hypothesis] tenir debout ; flattery won't work with me la flatterie ne marche pas avec moi ; the adaptation really works l'adaptation est vraiment réussie ; I didn't think the novel would work as a film je ne pensais pas qu'on pouvait tirer un bon film de ce roman ;
    6 ( move) [face, features] se contracter.
    1 ( labour) to work oneself too hard se surmener ; to work oneself to death se tuer à la tâche ;
    2 ( rouse) to work oneself into a rage se mettre en colère ; to work oneself into a frenzy ( with anger) se mettre en rage ; ( with hysteria) devenir hystérique.
    to work one's way up gravir tous les échelons ; to work one's way up the company faire son chemin dans l'entreprise.
    work around to [sth] aborder [subject] ; it took him ages to work around to what he wanted to say il lui a fallu un temps fou pour exprimer ce qu'il avait à dire ; to work the conversation around to sth faire tourner la conversation autour de qch ; to work around to telling sb sth parvenir à dire qch à qn.
    work in:
    work in [sth], work [sth] in
    1 ( incorporate) glisser [joke, reference] ; mentionner [fact, name] ;
    2 Culin incorporer [ingredient].
    work off:
    work [sth] off, work off [sth]
    1 ( remove) retirer [lid] ; to work a ring off one's finger ôter une bague avec difficulté ;
    2 ( repay) travailler pour rembourser [loan, debt] ;
    3 ( get rid of) se débarrasser de [excess weight] ; dépenser [excess energy] ; passer [anger, frustration].
    work on:
    work on continuer à travailler ;
    work on [sb] travailler ;
    work on [sth] travailler à [book, report] ; travailler sur [project] ; s'occuper de [case, problem] ; chercher [cure, solution] ; examiner [idea, theory] ; I'm working on a way of doing je cherche une façon de faire ; ‘have you found a solution?’-‘I'm working on it’ ‘as-tu trouvé une solution?’-‘j'y réfléchis’ ; he's working on his French il travaille son français ; we've got no clues to work on nous n'avons aucun indice.
    work out:
    1 ( exercise) s'entraîner ;
    2 ( go according to plan) [plan, marriage] marcher ; I hope things work out for them j'espère que ça marchera pour eux ;
    3 ( add up) to work out at GB ou to US [total, share] s'élever à [amount, proportion] ;
    work out [sth], work [sth] out
    1 ( calculate) calculer [answer, average, total] ;
    2 ( solve) trouver [answer, reason, culprit] ; résoudre [riddle, problem] ; comprendre [clue] ; to work out why/when/where comprendre pourquoi/quand/où ; to work out what sth means comprendre qch ;
    3 ( devise) concevoir [plan, scheme] ; trouver [route] ;
    4 Admin to work out one's notice faire son mois de préavis ;
    5 ( exhaust) épuiser [mine, soil] ;
    work [sb] out comprendre ; I can't work her out je ne la comprendrai jamais.
    work over :
    work [sb] over passer [qn] à tabac .
    work to:
    work to [sth] s'astreindre à [budget] ; to work to deadlines travailler avec des objectifs ; to work to tight deadlines avoir des délais très serrés.
    work up:
    work up [sth] développer [interest] ; accroître [support] ; to work up the courage to do trouver le courage de faire ; to work up some enthusiasm for s'enthousiasmer pour ; to work up an appetite s'ouvrir l'appétit ;
    work up to [sth] se préparer à [announcement, confession, confrontation] ; the music is working up to a climax la musique va crescendo pour finir en apothéose ;
    work up [sb], work [sb] up
    1 ( excite) exciter [child, crowd] ; to work sb up into a frenzy rendre qn énervé ; to work sb up into a rage mettre qn en colère ;
    2 ( annoy) énerver ; to get worked up s'énerver ; to work oneself up s'énerver ; to work oneself up into a state se mettre dans tous ses états ; to get oneself all worked up over ou about se mettre dans tous ses états au sujet de.

    Big English-French dictionary > work

  • 4 völlig hysterisch

    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > völlig hysterisch

  • 5 histeria

    hysteria (medicine) (& figurative).
    histeria colectiva mass hysteria
    * * *
    1 hysteria
    * * *
    * * *
    femenino hysteria
    * * *
    = hysteria, hype, the, spin, hysterics.
    Ex. Although the red scare is popularly associated with the activities of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, the anti-communist hysteria of the 50s went far beyond McCarthy and Washington D.C.
    Ex. However, given the hype about the networking of public libraries in the US, it is perhaps surprising to note that only 21% have some form of connection to the Internet.
    Ex. In our media saturated world of high-blown hype and suffocating spin they do their best to tell you the truth.
    Ex. They have a track record of hysterics and exaggerations for political purposes.
    * ataque de histeria = attack of hysterics.
    * histeria a medias = semi-hysteria.
    * histeria publicitaria = media hype.
    * * *
    femenino hysteria
    * * *
    = hysteria, hype, the, spin, hysterics.

    Ex: Although the red scare is popularly associated with the activities of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, the anti-communist hysteria of the 50s went far beyond McCarthy and Washington D.C.

    Ex: However, given the hype about the networking of public libraries in the US, it is perhaps surprising to note that only 21% have some form of connection to the Internet.
    Ex: In our media saturated world of high-blown hype and suffocating spin they do their best to tell you the truth.
    Ex: They have a track record of hysterics and exaggerations for political purposes.
    * ataque de histeria = attack of hysterics.
    * histeria a medias = semi-hysteria.
    * histeria publicitaria = media hype.

    * * *
    le dio un ataque de histeria he got hysterical, he had a fit ( colloq)
    mass hysteria
    * * *

    histeria sustantivo femenino

    histeria f Psic hysteria: le dio un ataque de histeria, she had a fit of hysterics pl

    ' histeria' also found in these entries:
    - hysteria
    - hysterics
    * * *
    le dio o [m5] sufrió un ataque de histeria he had (an attack of) hysterics;
    histeria colectiva mass hysteria
    * * *
    f hysteria
    * * *
    1) : hysteria
    2) : hysterics
    * * *
    histeria n hysteria

    Spanish-English dictionary > histeria


    Мы приняли следующие сокращения для наиболее часто упоминаемых книг и журналов:
    IJP - International Journal of Psycho-analysis
    JAPA - Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
    SE - Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, ed. James Strachey (London: Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1953—74.)
    PSOC - Psychoanalytic Study of the Child (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    PQ - Psychoanalytic Quarterly
    WAF - The Writings of Anna Freud, ed. Anna Freud (New York: International Universities Press, 1966—74)
    PMC - Psychoanalysis The Major Concepts ed. Burness E. Moore and Bernard D. Fine (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    О словаре: _about - Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts
    1. Abend, S. M. Identity. PMC. Forthcoming.
    2. Abend, S. M. (1974) Problems of identity. PQ, 43.
    3. Abend, S. M., Porder, M. S. & Willick, M. S. (1983) Borderline Patients. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    4. Abraham, K. (1916) The first pregenital stage of libido. Selected Papers. London, Hogarth Press, 1948.
    5. Abraham, K. (1917) Ejaculatio praecox. In: selected Papers. New York Basic Books.
    6. Abraham, K. (1921) Contributions to the theory of the anal character. Selected Papers. New York: Basic Books, 1953.
    7. Abraham, K. (1924) A Short study of the development of the libido, viewed in the light of mental disorders. In: Selected Papers. London: Hogarth Press, 1927.
    8. Abraham, K. (1924) Manic-depressive states and the pre-genital levels of the libido. In: Selected Papers. London: Hogarth Press, 1949.
    9. Abraham, K. (1924) Selected Papers. London: Hogarth Press, 1948.
    10. Abraham, K. (1924) The influence of oral erotism on character formation. Ibid.
    11. Abraham, K. (1925) The history of an impostor in the light of psychoanalytic knowledge. In: Clinical Papers and Essays on Psychoanalysis. New York: Basic Books, 1955, vol. 2.
    12. Abrams, S. (1971) The psychoanalytic unconsciousness. In: The Unconscious Today, ed. M. Kanzer. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    13. Abrams, S. (1981) Insight. PSOC, 36.
    14. Abse, D W. (1985) The depressive character In Depressive States and their Treatment, ed. V. Volkan New York: Jason Aronson.
    15. Abse, D. W. (1985) Hysteria and Related Mental Disorders. Bristol: John Wright.
    16. Ackner, B. (1954) Depersonalization. J. Ment. Sci., 100.
    17. Adler, A. (1924) Individual Psychology. New York: Harcourt, Brace.
    18. Akhtar, S. (1984) The syndrome of identity diffusion. Amer. J. Psychiat., 141.
    19. Alexander, F. (1950) Psychosomatic Medicine. New York: Norton.
    20. Allen, D. W. (1974) The Feat- of Looking. Charlottesvill, Va: Univ. Press of Virginia.
    21. Allen, D. W. (1980) Psychoanalytic treatment of the exhibitionist. In: Exhibitionist, Description, Assessment, and Treatment, ed. D. Cox. New York: Garland STPM Press.
    22. Allport, G. (1937) Personality. New York: Henry Holt.
    23. Almansi, R. J. (1960) The face-breast equation. JAPA, 6.
    24. Almansi, R. J. (1979) Scopophilia and object loss. PQ, 47.
    25. Altman, L. Z. (1969) The Dream in Psychoanalysis. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    26. Altman, L. Z. (1977) Some vicissitudes of love. JAPA, 25.
    27. American Psychiatric Association. (1987) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3d ed. revised. Washington, D. C.
    28. Ansbacher, Z. & Ansbacher, R. (1956) The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler. New York: Basic Books.
    29. Anthony, E. J. (1981) Shame, guilt, and the feminine self in psychoanalysis. In: Object and Self, ed. S. Tuttman, C. Kaye & M. Zimmerman. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    30. Arlow. J. A. (1953) Masturbation and symptom formation. JAPA, 1.
    31. Arlow. J. A. (1959) The structure of the deja vu experience. JAPA, 7.
    32. Arlow. J. A. (1961) Ego psychology and the study of mythology. JAPA, 9.
    33. Arlow. J. A. (1963) Conflict, regression and symptom formation. IJP, 44.
    34. Arlow. J. A. (1966) Depersonalization and derealization. In: Psychoanalysis: A General Psychology, ed. R. M. Loewenstein, L. M. Newman, M. Schur & A. J. Solnit. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    35. Arlow. J. A. (1969) Fantasy, memory and reality testing. PQ, 38.
    36. Arlow. J. A. (1969) Unconscious fantasy and disturbances of mental experience. PQ, 38.
    37. Arlow. J. A. (1970) The psychopathology of the psychoses. IJP, 51.
    38. Arlow. J. A. (1975) The structural hypothesis. PQ, 44.
    39. Arlow. J. A. (1977) Affects and the psychoanalytic situation. IJP, 58.
    40. Arlow. J. A. (1979) Metaphor and the psychoanalytic situation. PQ, 48.
    41. Arlow. J. A. (1979) The genesis of interpretation. JAPA, 27 (suppl.).
    42. Arlow. J. A. (1982) Problems of the superego concept. PSOC, 37.
    43. Arlow. J. A. (1984) Disturbances of the sense of time. PQ, 53.
    44. Arlow. J. A. (1985) Some technical problems of countertransference. PQ, 54.
    45. Arlow, J. A. & Brenner, C. (1963) Psychoanalytic Concepts and the Structural Theory, New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    46. Arlow, J. A. & Brenner, C. (1969) The psychopathology of the psychoses. IJP, 50.
    47. Asch, S. S. (1966) Depression. PSOC, 21.
    48. Asch, S. S. (1976) Varieties of negative therapeutic reactions and problems of technique. JAPA, 24.
    49. Atkins, N. (1970) The Oedipus myth. Adolescence, and the succession of generations. JAPA, 18.
    50. Atkinson, J. W. & Birch, D. (1970) The Dynamics of Action. New York: Wiley.
    51. Bachrach, H. M. & Leaff, L. A. (1978) Analyzability. JAPA, 26.
    52. Bacon, C. (1956) A developmental theory of female homosexuality. In: Perversions,ed, S. Lorand & M. Balint. New York: Gramercy.
    53. Bak, R. C. (1953) Fetishism. JAPA. 1.
    54. Bak, R. C. (1968) The phallic woman. PSOC, 23.
    55. Bak, R. C. & Stewart, W. A. (1974) Fetishism, transvestism, and voyeurism. An American Handbook of Psychiatry, ed. S. Arieti. New York: Basic Books, vol. 3.
    56. Balint, A. (1949) Love for mother and mother-love. IJP, 30.
    57. Balter, L., Lothane, Z. & Spencer, J. H. (1980) On the analyzing instrument, PQ, 49.
    58. Basch, M. F. (1973) Psychoanalysis and theory formation. Ann. Psychoanal., 1.
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    60. Basch, M. F. (1981) Selfobject disorders and psychoanalytic theory. JAPA, 29.
    61. Basch, M. F. (1983) Emphatic understanding. JAPA. 31.
    62. Balldry, F. Character. PMC. Forthcoming.
    63. Balldry, F. (1983) The evolution of the concept of character in Freud's writings. JAPA. 31.
    64. Begelman, D. A. (1971) Misnaming, metaphors, the medical model and some muddles. Psychiatry, 34.
    65. Behrends, R. S. & Blatt, E. J. (1985) Internalization and psychological development throughout the life cycle. PSOC, 40.
    66. Bell, A. (1961) Some observations on the role of the scrotal sac and testicles JAPA, 9.
    67. Benedeck, T. (1949) The psychosomatic implications of the primary unit. Amer. J. Orthopsychiat., 19.
    68. Beres, C. (1958) Vicissitudes of superego functions and superego precursors in childhood. FSOC, 13.
    69. Beres, D. Conflict. PMC. Forthcoming.
    70. Beres, D. (1956) Ego deviation and the concept of schizophrenia. PSOC, 11.
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    75. Berg, M D. (1977) The externalizing transference. IJP, 58.
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    77. Bergman, A. (1978) From mother to the world outside. In: Grolnick et. al. (1978).
    78. Bergmann, M. S. (1980) On the intrapsychic function of falling in love. PQ, 49.
    79. Berliner, B. (1966) Psychodynamics of the depressive character. Psychoanal. Forum, 1.
    80. Bernfeld, S. (1931) Zur Sublimierungslehre. Imago, 17.
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    845. Tyson, P. & Tyson, R. L. Development. PMC. Forthcoming.
    846. Tyson, P. & Tyson, R. L. The psychoanalitic theory of development. PMC. Forthcoming.
    847. Tyson, P. & Tyson, R. L. (1984) Narcissism and superego development. JAPA, 34.
    848. Tyson, R. & Sundler, J. (1971) Problems in the selection of patients for psychoanalysis. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 44.
    849. Valenstein, A. F. (1979) The concept of "classical" psycho-analysis. JAPA. 27. (suppl.).
    850. Volkan, V. D. (1981) Linking Objects and Linking Phenomena. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    851. Waelder, R. (1930) The principle of multiple function. PQ, 5.
    852. Waelder, R. (1962) Book review of Psychoanalysis, Scientific Method and Philosophy, ed. S. Hook. JAPA, 10.
    853. Waelder, R. (1962) Psychoanalysis scientific method, and philosophy. JAPA, 10.
    854. Waelder, R. (1963) Psychic determinism and the possibility of prediction. PQ, 32.
    855. Waelder, R. (1967) Trauma and the variety of extraordinary challenges. In: Fuest (1967).
    856. Waelder, R. (1967) Inhibitions, symptoms and anxiety: forty years later. PQ, 36.
    857. Waldhorn, H. F. (1960) Assessment of analyzability. PQ, 29.
    858. Waldhorn, H. F. & Fine, B. (1971) Trauma and symbolism. Kris Study Group monogr. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    859. Wallace, E. R. (1983) Freud and Anthropology. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    860. Wallerstein, R. Reality. PMC. Forthcoming.
    861. Wallerstein, R. (1965) The goals of psychoanalysis. JAPA, 13.
    862. Wallerstein, R. (1975) Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    863. Wallerstein, R. (1983) Defenses, defense mechanisms and the structure of the mind. JAPA, 31 (suppl.).
    864. Wallerstein, R. (1988) One psychoanalysis or many? IJP, 69.
    865. Wangh, M. (1979) Some psychoanalytic observations on boredom. IJP, 60.
    866. Weinshel, E. M. (1968) Some psychoanalytic considerations on moods. IJP, 51.
    867. Weinshel, E. M. (1971) The ego in health and normality. JAPA, 18.
    868. Weisman, A. D. (1972) On Dying and Denying. New York: Behavioral Publications.
    869. Weinstock, H. J. (1962) Successful treatment of ulcerative colitis by psychoanalysis. Brit. J. Psychoanal. Res., 6.
    870. Welmore, R. J. (1963) The role of grief in psychoanalysis. IJP. 44.
    871. Werner, H. & Kaplan, B. (1984) Symbol Formation. Hillsdale N. J.: Lawrence Eribaum.
    872. White. R. W. (1963) Ego and Reality in Psychoanalytic Theory. Psychol. Issues, 3.
    873. Whitman, R. M. (1963) Remembering and forgetting dreams in psychoanalysis. JAPA, 11.
    874. Wiedeman, G. Sexuality. PMC. Forthcoming.
    875. Wiedeman, G. (1962) Survey of psychoanalytic literature on overt male homosexuality. JAPA, 10.
    876. Wieder, H. (1966) Intellectuality. PSOC, 21.
    877. Wieder, H. (1978) The psychoanalytic treatment of preadolescents In Child Analysis and Therapy, ed. J. Glenn. New York Aronson.
    878. Willick, M. S. Defense. PMC. Forthcoming.
    879. Wilson, C. P. (1967) Stone as a symbol of teeth. PQ, 36.
    880. Wilson, C. P Hohan, C. & Mintz, I. (1983) Fear of Being Fat. New York: Aronson.
    881. Wilson, C. P. S Mintz, I. (1982) Abstaining and bulimic anorexics. Primary Care, 9.
    882. Wilson, E. O. (1978) On Human Nature. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press.
    883. Winnicott, C. (1978) D. W. W.: a reflection. In: Between Reality and Fantasy. New York: Jason Aronson.
    884. Winnicott, D. W. (1953) Transitional object and transitional phenomena. In: Collected Papers. New York Basic Books, 1958.
    885. Winnicott, D. W. (1956) Primary maternal preoccupation. In: Winnicott (1958).
    886. Winnicott, D. W. (1958) Collected Papers. New York: Basic Books, Inc.
    887. Winnicott, D. W. (1960) Ego distortions in terms of true and false self. In: The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment. New York: Int. Univ. Press, 1965.
    888. Winnicott, D. W. (1960) The theory of the parent-infant relationship. In: Winnicott (1965).
    889. Winnicott, D. W. (1965) The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    890. Winnicott, D. W. (1971) Playing and Reality. New York: Basic Books.
    891. Winnicott, D. W. (1971) Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry. New York: Basic Books.
    892. Winnicott, D. W. (1977) The Piggle. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    893. Winson, J. (1985) Brain and Psyche. New York: Anchor Press.
    894. Wolf, E. S. (1976) Ambience and abstinence. Annu. Psycho-anal., 4.
    895. Wolf, E. S. (1980) On the developmental line of self-object relations. In: Advances in Self Psychology, ed. A. Goldberg. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    896. Wolf, E. S. (1983) Empathy and countertransference. In: The Future of Psychoanalysis, ed. A. Coldberg. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    897. Wolf, E. S. (1984) Disruptions in the psychoanalytic treatment of disorders of the self. In: Kohut's Legacy, ed. P. Stepansky & A. Coldberg, Hillsdale, H. J.: Analytic Press, 1984.
    898. Wolf, E. S. (1984) Selfobject relations disorders. In: Character Pathology, ed. M. Zales. New York: Bruner/Mazel.
    899. Wolf, E. S. & Trosman, H. (1974) Freud and Popper-Lynkeus. JAPA, 22.
    900. Wolfenstein, M. (1966) How is mourning possible? PSOC, 21.
    901. Wolman, B. B. ed. (1977) The International Encyclopedia of Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychoanalysis, and Neurology. New York: Aesculapius.
    902. Wolpert, E. A. (1980) Major affective disorders. In: Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, ed. H. I. Kaplan, A. M. Freedman & B. J. Saddock. Boston: Williams & Wilkins, vol. 2.
    903. Wurmser, L. (1977) A defense of the use of metaphor in analytic theory formation. PQ, 46.
    904. Wurmser, L. (1981) The Mask of Shame. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press.
    905. Zetzel, E. R. (1956) Current concepts of transference. TJP, 37.

    Словарь психоаналитических терминов и понятий > БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ

  • 7 generalmente

    * * *
    1 generally, usually
    * * *
    usually, generally
    * * *
    * * *
    = as a rule, generally, ordinarily, typically, popularly, as often as not, generally speaking, in the normal run of events, in the normal run of things.
    Ex. As a rule, the smaller the library the greater the variety of tasks which are allotted to assistants.
    Ex. Specific entry is generally recommended.
    Ex. Library users ordinarily are unable to find if what they need is in the process of being cataloged, readied for the bindery, or being repaired.
    Ex. Typically some parts of records can be searched and their elements used as search keys.
    Ex. Although the red scare is popularly associated with the activities of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, the anti-communist hysteria of the 50s went far beyond McCarthy and Washington D.C.
    Ex. As often as not, especially with material-finding enquiries, the user's presence at the librarian's elbow permits an instantaneous reaction to each item found.
    Ex. Generally speaking, my philosophy is that if you've been following the thread, you already know what the reply is.
    Ex. In the normal run of events a well-organised active minority of quite a small size can play a decisive role in the determination of a political outcome.
    Ex. In the normal run of things, they would be attacked by a monster from the deep or aliens from space, but here they just have to deal with polar bears.
    * creencia generalmente aceptada = conventional wisdom.
    * generalmente + pensarse que = be/have generally held that.
    * opinión generalmente aceptada = conventional wisdom.
    * usado generalmente = widely-used.
    * * *
    = as a rule, generally, ordinarily, typically, popularly, as often as not, generally speaking, in the normal run of events, in the normal run of things.

    Ex: As a rule, the smaller the library the greater the variety of tasks which are allotted to assistants.

    Ex: Specific entry is generally recommended.
    Ex: Library users ordinarily are unable to find if what they need is in the process of being cataloged, readied for the bindery, or being repaired.
    Ex: Typically some parts of records can be searched and their elements used as search keys.
    Ex: Although the red scare is popularly associated with the activities of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, the anti-communist hysteria of the 50s went far beyond McCarthy and Washington D.C.
    Ex: As often as not, especially with material-finding enquiries, the user's presence at the librarian's elbow permits an instantaneous reaction to each item found.
    Ex: Generally speaking, my philosophy is that if you've been following the thread, you already know what the reply is.
    Ex: In the normal run of events a well-organised active minority of quite a small size can play a decisive role in the determination of a political outcome.
    Ex: In the normal run of things, they would be attacked by a monster from the deep or aliens from space, but here they just have to deal with polar bears.
    * creencia generalmente aceptada = conventional wisdom.
    * generalmente + pensarse que = be/have generally held that.
    * opinión generalmente aceptada = conventional wisdom.
    * usado generalmente = widely-used.

    * * *
    * * *

    generalmente adverbio
    generalmente adverbio generally
    ' generalmente' also found in these entries:
    - mister
    - mostly
    - must
    - outsell
    - penthouse
    - widely
    - rule
    * * *
    * * *
    adv generally
    * * *
    : usually, generally
    * * *
    generalmente adv generally

    Spanish-English dictionary > generalmente

  • 8 tranquilo

    1 (sin inquietud) calm, relaxed, tranquil
    3 (sin movimiento) calm, still, quiet
    4 (sin ruidos) quiet, still, peaceful
    5 (persona) calm, easy-going, placid
    6 (agua) still; (conciencia) clear
    déjame tranquilo,-a familiar leave me alone!
    para que estés tranquilo,-a... for your own peace of mind...
    ¡tranquilo,-a! (no te preocupes) don't you worry! 2 (cálmate) steady on!, calm down!
    * * *
    (f. - tranquila)
    calm, quiet
    * * *
    tranquilo, -a
    1. ADJ
    1) (=plácido) [sitio, momento] quiet, peaceful; [mar] calm

    una tarde tranquilaa quiet o peaceful afternoon

    2) (=sosegado) calm
    3) (=sin preocupación)

    estad tranquilos que yo me encargo de todo — don't worry, I'll look after everything

    ¡deja ya tranquilo al pobre chico! — leave the poor boy alone!

    ¡tranquilo, no merece la pena enfadarse! — calm down! there's no point getting annoyed

    ¡eh, tranquilo, sin empujar! — hey, easy does it! no pushing!

    4) (=descarado)

    ¡mira que es tranquila! todos esperando y ella como si nada — nothing seems to bother her! everyone's waiting and she couldn't care less

    lo ha suspendido todo y él tan tranquilo — he's failed the lot, but it doesn't seem to worry him

    SM / F

    ¡es una tranquila de cuidado! aún no ha acabado los deberes — she's not bothered about anything, that one, she still hasn't finished her homework!

    * * *
    - la adjetivo
    a) [SER] < persona> ( pacífico) calm
    b) <mar/ambiente> calm; < lugar> quiet, peaceful, tranquil
    2) [ESTAR]

    ahora que trabaja estoy más tranquiloI feel better o happier now that he's found a job

    viven tranquilos allí en su granjitathey lead a peaceful o tranquil life on their little farm

    tú, tranquilo, que de eso me encargo yo — there's no need for you to worry, I'll take care of that

    ...y se quedó tan tranquila —...and she didn't bat an eyelash (AmE) o (BrE) eyelid

    adverbio (Méx fam)

    te cuesta tranquilo unas 2,000 libras — it costs 2,000 pounds easily (colloq)

    * * *
    = cool [cooler -comp., coolest -sup.], quiet [quieter -comp., quietest -sup.], placid, calm [calmer -comp., calmest -sup.], restful, composed, quiescent, laid-back, tranquil, serene, uneventful, sedate, chilled out.
    Ex. It is the cool and perfectly proper expression of a confident professionalism, still only faintly discernible.
    Ex. Properly read, live literature -- even the quietest or most light-hearted -- may be disturbing, may subvert our view of life.
    Ex. Nobody could have guessed from the librarian's placid demeanor that she was in a state of extreme agitation as she moved toward Edmonds' door.
    Ex. Her calm confident eyes silently invited him to relieve his mind, and he could not resist the temptation.
    Ex. The health promoting concept is carried through the design of the ward, where there is maximum use of restful natural materials and 'healing arts'.
    Ex. 'I'll see, Bernice, if I can find something for you on what to do when you suspect someone is becoming an alcoholic,' she added trying to appear composed.
    Ex. All was quiescent, languorous, beautiful in the glow of the sunshine slanting into the room through the open window.
    Ex. The article ' Laid-back librarians love L.A' reports on the 13th ARLIS/NA (Art Libraries Society of North America) Annual Conference, Los Angeles, 8-14 Feb 85.
    Ex. Sudak is one of the most beautiful and tranquil locales on the Black Sea coast.
    Ex. The hysteria about the usefulness of microcomputers to libraries is unprecedented in the normally serene and predictable library environment.
    Ex. The resulting music shares several attributes with ambient music -- its emphasis on texture and timbre, the absence of rhythm, and its adherence to the dictate that ambient music should be uneventful.
    Ex. His rebelliousness against family tradition and sedate good taste surfaced disturbingly in his account of bringing his mother's body home from Italy.
    Ex. He is very chattery when he wants to be, and the rest of the time really chilled out and very rarely stressed.
    * aguas tranquilas = still waters.
    * con la conciencia tranquila = with a clear conscience.
    * dejar las cosas tranquilas = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * dejar tranquilo = leave + Nombre + undisturbed.
    * estar tranquilo que = rest + assured that.
    * tan tranquilo = unfazed.
    * tener la conciencia tranquila = have + a clear conscience.
    * tomarse Algo tranquilo = take + Posesivo + time.
    * tomárselo tranquilo = hang + loose, take it + easy.
    * vivir con la conciencia tranquila = live with + a clear conscience.
    * * *
    - la adjetivo
    a) [SER] < persona> ( pacífico) calm
    b) <mar/ambiente> calm; < lugar> quiet, peaceful, tranquil
    2) [ESTAR]

    ahora que trabaja estoy más tranquiloI feel better o happier now that he's found a job

    viven tranquilos allí en su granjitathey lead a peaceful o tranquil life on their little farm

    tú, tranquilo, que de eso me encargo yo — there's no need for you to worry, I'll take care of that

    ...y se quedó tan tranquila —...and she didn't bat an eyelash (AmE) o (BrE) eyelid

    adverbio (Méx fam)

    te cuesta tranquilo unas 2,000 libras — it costs 2,000 pounds easily (colloq)

    * * *
    = cool [cooler -comp., coolest -sup.], quiet [quieter -comp., quietest -sup.], placid, calm [calmer -comp., calmest -sup.], restful, composed, quiescent, laid-back, tranquil, serene, uneventful, sedate, chilled out.

    Ex: It is the cool and perfectly proper expression of a confident professionalism, still only faintly discernible.

    Ex: Properly read, live literature -- even the quietest or most light-hearted -- may be disturbing, may subvert our view of life.
    Ex: Nobody could have guessed from the librarian's placid demeanor that she was in a state of extreme agitation as she moved toward Edmonds' door.
    Ex: Her calm confident eyes silently invited him to relieve his mind, and he could not resist the temptation.
    Ex: The health promoting concept is carried through the design of the ward, where there is maximum use of restful natural materials and 'healing arts'.
    Ex: 'I'll see, Bernice, if I can find something for you on what to do when you suspect someone is becoming an alcoholic,' she added trying to appear composed.
    Ex: All was quiescent, languorous, beautiful in the glow of the sunshine slanting into the room through the open window.
    Ex: The article ' Laid-back librarians love L.A' reports on the 13th ARLIS/NA (Art Libraries Society of North America) Annual Conference, Los Angeles, 8-14 Feb 85.
    Ex: Sudak is one of the most beautiful and tranquil locales on the Black Sea coast.
    Ex: The hysteria about the usefulness of microcomputers to libraries is unprecedented in the normally serene and predictable library environment.
    Ex: The resulting music shares several attributes with ambient music -- its emphasis on texture and timbre, the absence of rhythm, and its adherence to the dictate that ambient music should be uneventful.
    Ex: His rebelliousness against family tradition and sedate good taste surfaced disturbingly in his account of bringing his mother's body home from Italy.
    Ex: He is very chattery when he wants to be, and the rest of the time really chilled out and very rarely stressed.
    * aguas tranquilas = still waters.
    * con la conciencia tranquila = with a clear conscience.
    * dejar las cosas tranquilas = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * dejar tranquilo = leave + Nombre + undisturbed.
    * estar tranquilo que = rest + assured that.
    * tan tranquilo = unfazed.
    * tener la conciencia tranquila = have + a clear conscience.
    * tomarse Algo tranquilo = take + Posesivo + time.
    * tomárselo tranquilo = hang + loose, take it + easy.
    * vivir con la conciencia tranquila = live with + a clear conscience.

    * * *
    tranquilo1 -la
    1 [ ESTAR]
    (libre de preocupaciones): ahora que consiguió empleo estoy más tranquilo I feel better o happier now that he's found a job
    viven tranquilos allí en su granjita they lead a peaceful o tranquil life on their little farm
    ¡tranquilo! relax! o keep calm! o don't worry!
    tú, tranquila, que de eso me encargo yo there's no need for you to worry o don't worry, I'll take care of that
    no estaré tranquila hasta que llame I won't relax until he calls
    no estará tranquilo hasta que lo rompa he won't be happy o satisfied until he breaks it!
    déjalo tranquilo leave him alone
    tengo la conciencia tranquila I have a clear conscience, my conscience is clear
    2 [ SER] ‹persona› (pacífico) calm
    3 [ ESTAR] ‹mar/ambiente› calm; ‹lugar› quiet, peaceful, tranquil
    llevan una vida muy tranquila they lead a very quiet life
    4 [ ESTAR]
    (sin inmutarse): su hermano está en el hospital y él tan tranquilo his brother's in hospital and he doesn't seem at all worried o bothered o perturbed
    me dijo que se lo había llevado ella y se quedó tan tranquila she told me she had taken it, as cool as you like o as cool as a cucumber o quite unashamedly, she told me, quite calmly o boldly, that she had taken it
    el tren pasó casi rozando y ellos se quedaron tan tranquilos the train passed within an inch of us and they didn't turn a hair o they didn't bat an eyelash ( AmE) o ( BrE) eyelid, the train passed within an inch of us and they were quite unperturbed
    lo dijo mal y se quedó tan tranquilo he said it wrong but he just carried on regardless o as if nothing had happened, he said it wrong but he was completely unfazed o unabashed
    ( Méx fam): te cuesta tranquilo unas 2,000 libras it costs 2,000 pounds easily ( colloq), it costs a good 2,000 pounds
    * * *


    tranquilo 1
    ◊ -la adjetivo

    a) [SER] ‹ persona› ( pacífico) calm

    b)mar/ambiente calm;

    lugar quiet, peaceful, tranquil
    2 [ESTAR]


    ¡tranquilo! relax!;
    tú, tranquilo, de eso me encargo yo there's no need for you to worry, I'll take care of that;
    lo hice para quedarme tranquilo I did it for my own peace of mind;
    déjalo tranquilo leave him alone

    …y se quedó tan tranquila …and she didn't bat an eyelash (AmE) o (BrE) eyelid
    tranquilo 2 adverbio (Méx fam):
    te cuesta tranquilo unas 2,000 libras it costs 2,000 pounds easily (colloq)

    tranquilo,-a adjetivo
    1 (sosegado, sereno) calm
    (sin turbulencias) still: todo está tranquilo por aquí, everything is quiet around here
    2 (sin nervios, preocupación) dile que se esté tranquilo, tell her to not worry
    (conciencia: sin remordimientos) clear
    3 (despreocupado, relajado, con pachorra) laid-back

    ' tranquilo' also found in these entries:
    - ancho
    - confiada
    - confiado
    - despreocupada
    - despreocupado
    - estarse
    - pancha
    - pancho
    - quieta
    - quieto
    - recogerse
    - serena
    - sereno
    - tranquila
    - Y
    - estar
    - fresco
    - parsimonioso
    - relajado
    - but
    - calm
    - casual
    - clear
    - collected
    - comfortable
    - composed
    - cool
    - deceptively
    - dying
    - easy
    - easy-going
    - equable
    - everything
    - laid-back
    - mellow
    - peace
    - peaceful
    - private
    - quiet
    - relaxed
    - rest
    - restful
    - saunter
    - sedate
    - serene
    - smooth
    - steady
    - still
    - tranquil
    - uneventful
    - untroubled
    - all right
    - be
    - laid
    * * *
    tranquilo, -a adj
    1. [sosegado] [lugar, calle, tarde, vida] quiet, peaceful;
    [ambiente, tono de voz] quiet, calm; [mar] calm; [paso, movimientos] unhurried;
    pasé un día muy tranquilo en casa I had a very quiet o peaceful day at home;
    es un barrio muy tranquilo it's a very quiet o peaceful neighbourhood;
    en el pueblo duermo muy tranquilo I always sleep very peacefully in the village
    2. [sin preocupaciones] [persona] relaxed, calm;
    iba tranquilo a la entrevista I went to the interview feeling calm;
    prefiero vivir tranquilo I prefer the quiet life;
    ¡(tú) tranquilo! don't you worry!;
    no estoy tranquilo hasta que no llega a casa I can't relax until she gets home;
    por fin puedo respirar tranquilo at last I can breathe easily;
    dejar a alguien tranquilo to leave sb alone
    3. [por carácter] calm;
    es muy tranquilo he's very calm
    4. [despreocupado]
    ¿pero cómo es que estás tan tranquilo, sabiendo lo que está pasando? how can you be so calm, knowing what's happening?;
    lo escuchó y se quedó tan tranquilo he listened to it without batting an eyelid
    5. [sin culpabilidad] [mente] untroubled;
    [conciencia] clear;
    tengo la conciencia tranquila my conscience is clear
    * * *
    1 lugar, mañana, persona calm, quiet
    ¡tranquilo! don’t worry;
    déjame tranquilo leave me alone
    3 ( fresco)
    quedarse tan tranquilo not bat an eyelid
    * * *
    tranquilo, -la adj
    calmo: calm, tranquil
    una vida tranquila: a quiet life
    * * *
    1. (en general) calm
    2. (apacible) quiet
    ¡tranquilo! (¡cálmate!) take it easy! / relax! (¡no te preocupes!) don't worry!

    Spanish-English dictionary > tranquilo

  • 9 Mass

    I [mæs]
    nome relig. (anche Mass) messa f.
    II 1. [mæs]
    1) (voluminous body) massa f.; (cluster) massa f., ammasso m.
    2) (large amount) (of people) massa f., folla f.; (of evidence, details) gran quantità f.
    3) fis. art. massa f.
    nome plurale masses

    the masses — la folla; (working class) le masse

    2) BE colloq. (lots)

    to have masses of work, of time — avere un sacco di lavoro, di tempo

    modificatore [exodus, protest, unemployment, tourism, communications] di massa; [ destruction] totale; [ hysteria] collettivo; [ desertions] in massa
    III [mæs]
    verbo intransitivo [ troops] ammassarsi; [ clouds] addensarsi
    * * *
    I 1. [mæs] noun
    1) (a large lump or quantity, gathered together: a mass of concrete/people.)
    2) (a large quantity: I've masses of work / things to do.)
    3) (the bulk, principal part or main body: The mass of people are in favour of peace.)
    4) ((a) measure of the quantity of matter in an object: The mass of the rock is 500 kilos.)
    2. verb
    (to bring or come together in large numbers or quantities: The troops massed for an attack.)
    3. adjective
    (of large quantities or numbers: mass murder; a mass meeting.)
    - mass-produce
    - mass-production
    - the mass media
    II [mæs] noun
    1) ((a) celebration, especially in the Roman Catholic church, of Christ's last meal (Last Supper) with his disciples: What time do you go to Mass?)
    2) (a setting to music of some of the words used in this service.)
    * * *
    I [mæs] n
    Rel messa

    to go to massandare a or alla messa

    II [mæs]
    1. n
    (gen) massa, moltitudine f, Phys massa

    masses (of) fam — un sacco (di), un mucchio (di)

    2. vi
    Mil adunarsi, concentrarsi, (crowd) radunarsi, ammassarsi, (clouds) addensarsi
    3. vt
    4. adj
    (culture, demonstration) di massa, (education) delle masse, (hysteria) collettivo (-a), (murders) in massa
    * * *
    ► mass (2)
    * * *
    I [mæs]
    nome relig. (anche Mass) messa f.
    II 1. [mæs]
    1) (voluminous body) massa f.; (cluster) massa f., ammasso m.
    2) (large amount) (of people) massa f., folla f.; (of evidence, details) gran quantità f.
    3) fis. art. massa f.
    nome plurale masses

    the masses — la folla; (working class) le masse

    2) BE colloq. (lots)

    to have masses of work, of time — avere un sacco di lavoro, di tempo

    modificatore [exodus, protest, unemployment, tourism, communications] di massa; [ destruction] totale; [ hysteria] collettivo; [ desertions] in massa
    III [mæs]
    verbo intransitivo [ troops] ammassarsi; [ clouds] addensarsi

    English-Italian dictionary > Mass

  • 10 anticomunista

    1 anti-communist.
    2 anticommunist.
    f. & m.
    * * *
    1 anti-Communist
    1 anti-Communist
    * * *
    * * *
    adjetivo/masculino y femenino anticommunist
    * * *
    Ex. Although the red scare is popularly associated with the activities of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, the anti-communist hysteria of the 50s went far beyond McCarthy and Washington D.C.
    * * *
    adjetivo/masculino y femenino anticommunist
    * * *

    Ex: Although the red scare is popularly associated with the activities of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, the anti-communist hysteria of the 50s went far beyond McCarthy and Washington D.C.

    * * *
    * * *
    * * *
    anticomunista adj & nmf
    : anticommunist

    Spanish-English dictionary > anticomunista

  • 11 brujería

    1 witchcraft, witchery, sorcery, black magic.
    2 spell, witchcraft, curse, jinx.
    * * *
    1 witchcraft, sorcery
    * * *
    1) (=hechizos) witchcraft, sorcery, (black) magic
    2) Caribe (=pobreza) poverty
    * * *
    femenino witchcraft
    * * *
    = wizardry, sorcery, witchcraft.
    Ex. How she ached to be a poet and by some wizardry of pen capture the mysteries going on out there.
    Ex. Simple though such enquiries may be to the librarian, the speed and assurance of the response does seem like sorcery to many users.
    Ex. Earlier collections deal with witchcraft while more recently subjects of hysteria, phrenology, mesmerism and hypnosis, spiritualism, alcoholism and drug abuse have been included.
    * * *
    femenino witchcraft
    * * *
    = wizardry, sorcery, witchcraft.

    Ex: How she ached to be a poet and by some wizardry of pen capture the mysteries going on out there.

    Ex: Simple though such enquiries may be to the librarian, the speed and assurance of the response does seem like sorcery to many users.
    Ex: Earlier collections deal with witchcraft while more recently subjects of hysteria, phrenology, mesmerism and hypnosis, spiritualism, alcoholism and drug abuse have been included.

    * * *
    gente que cree en brujerías people who believe in witchcraft
    2 (acto) spell
    * * *

    brujería sustantivo femenino
    brujería sustantivo femenino witchcraft, sorcery
    ' brujería' also found in these entries:
    - witch
    * * *
    witchcraft, sorcery
    * * *
    f witchcraft
    * * *
    hechicería: witchcraft, sorcery

    Spanish-English dictionary > brujería

  • 12 espiritismo

    1 spiritualism.
    2 spiritism, spiritualism.
    * * *
    1 spiritualism
    * * *
    * * *
    masculino spiritualism
    * * *
    = spiritualism, spiritism.
    Ex. Earlier collections deal with witchcraft while more recently subjects of hysteria, phrenology, mesmerism and hypnosis, spiritualism, alcoholism and drug abuse have been included.
    Ex. This text is based on a field research developed in a popular neighborhood of Caracas, Venezuela, where informal economy & spiritism converge.
    * * *
    masculino spiritualism
    * * *
    = spiritualism, spiritism.

    Ex: Earlier collections deal with witchcraft while more recently subjects of hysteria, phrenology, mesmerism and hypnosis, spiritualism, alcoholism and drug abuse have been included.

    Ex: This text is based on a field research developed in a popular neighborhood of Caracas, Venezuela, where informal economy & spiritism converge.

    * * *
    * * *

    espiritismo sustantivo masculino

    espiritismo sustantivo masculino spiritualism

    ' espiritismo' also found in these entries:
    - seance
    * * *
    hacer espiritismo to practise spiritualism;
    * * *
    m spiritualism
    * * *
    : spiritualism

    Spanish-English dictionary > espiritismo

  • 13 espiritualismo

    spiritualism, as a philosophic system, opposed to materialism.
    * * *
    1 spiritualism
    * * *
    * * *
    Ex. Earlier collections deal with witchcraft while more recently subjects of hysteria, phrenology, mesmerism and hypnosis, spiritualism, alcoholism and drug abuse have been included.
    * * *

    Ex: Earlier collections deal with witchcraft while more recently subjects of hysteria, phrenology, mesmerism and hypnosis, spiritualism, alcoholism and drug abuse have been included.

    Spanish-English dictionary > espiritualismo

  • 14 frenología

    * * *
    1 phrenology
    * * *
    * * *
    Nota: Ciencia que partía del presupuesto de la existencia de una relación estrecha entre la forma y relieve de la cráneo y las habilidades del individuo.
    Ex. Earlier collections deal with witchcraft while more recently subjects of hysteria, phrenology, mesmerism and hypnosis, spiritualism, alcoholism and drug abuse have been included.
    * * *
    Nota: Ciencia que partía del presupuesto de la existencia de una relación estrecha entre la forma y relieve de la cráneo y las habilidades del individuo.

    Ex: Earlier collections deal with witchcraft while more recently subjects of hysteria, phrenology, mesmerism and hypnosis, spiritualism, alcoholism and drug abuse have been included.

    * * *
    * * *

    Spanish-English dictionary > frenología

  • 15 hechicería

    sorcery, wizardry, witchcraft.
    * * *
    1 (arte) sorcery, witchcraft
    2 (hechizo) spell, charm
    * * *
    1) (=brujería) sorcery, witchcraft
    2) (=maleficio) spell
    3) (=encantamiento) spell, charm
    * * *
    femenino ( práctica) witchcraft, sorcery; ( maleficio) spell
    * * *
    = wizardry, witchcraft, shamanism.
    Ex. How she ached to be a poet and by some wizardry of pen capture the mysteries going on out there.
    Ex. Earlier collections deal with witchcraft while more recently subjects of hysteria, phrenology, mesmerism and hypnosis, spiritualism, alcoholism and drug abuse have been included.
    Ex. There is no evidence that shamanism is an expression of psychopathology.
    * * *
    femenino ( práctica) witchcraft, sorcery; ( maleficio) spell
    * * *
    = wizardry, witchcraft, shamanism.

    Ex: How she ached to be a poet and by some wizardry of pen capture the mysteries going on out there.

    Ex: Earlier collections deal with witchcraft while more recently subjects of hysteria, phrenology, mesmerism and hypnosis, spiritualism, alcoholism and drug abuse have been included.
    Ex: There is no evidence that shamanism is an expression of psychopathology.

    * * *
    1 (práctica) witchcraft, sorcery
    2 (maleficio) spell
    * * *

    hechicería sustantivo femenino witchcraft
    ' hechicería' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    1. [arte] witchcraft, sorcery
    2. [maleficio] spell
    * * *
    f sorcery, witchcraft
    * * *
    1) brujería: sorcery, witchcraft
    2) : curse, spell

    Spanish-English dictionary > hechicería

  • 16 mesmerismo

    mesmerism, hypnotism.
    * * *
    * * *
    Ex. Earlier collections deal with witchcraft while more recently subjects of hysteria, phrenology, mesmerism and hypnosis, spiritualism, alcoholism and drug abuse have been included.
    * * *

    Ex: Earlier collections deal with witchcraft while more recently subjects of hysteria, phrenology, mesmerism and hypnosis, spiritualism, alcoholism and drug abuse have been included.

    * * *

    mesmerismo sustantivo masculino mesmerism

    Spanish-English dictionary > mesmerismo

  • 17 popularmente

    * * *
    1 popularly
    * * *
    Ex. Although the red scare is popularly associated with the activities of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, the anti-communist hysteria of the 50s went far beyond McCarthy and Washington D.C.
    * popularmente aceptado = popularly held.
    * * *

    Ex: Although the red scare is popularly associated with the activities of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, the anti-communist hysteria of the 50s went far beyond McCarthy and Washington D.C.

    * popularmente aceptado = popularly held.

    * * *
    popularmente conocido como… more commonly known as…

    Spanish-English dictionary > popularmente

  • 18 senador

    * * *
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 senator
    * * *
    (f. - senadora)
    * * *
    senador, -a
    SM / F senator
    * * *
    - dora masculino, femenino senator
    * * *
    Ex. Although the red scare is popularly associated with the activities of senator Joseph R. McCarthy, the anti-communist hysteria of the 50s went far beyond McCarthy and Washington D.C.
    * * *
    - dora masculino, femenino senator
    * * *

    Ex: Although the red scare is popularly associated with the activities of senator Joseph R. McCarthy, the anti-communist hysteria of the 50s went far beyond McCarthy and Washington D.C.

    * * *
    masculine, feminine
    * * *

    ◊ - dora sustantivo masculino, femenino

    senador,-ora sustantivo masculino y femenino senator

    ' senador' also found in these entries:
    - horrify
    - interview
    - senator
    * * *
    senador, -ora nm,f
    * * *
    m, senadora f senator
    * * *
    : senator
    * * *
    senador n senator

    Spanish-English dictionary > senador

  • 19 mass

    1. mæs noun
    1) (a large lump or quantity, gathered together: a mass of concrete/people.) montón, masa
    2) (a large quantity: I've masses of work / things to do.) montón
    3) (the bulk, principal part or main body: The mass of people are in favour of peace.) mayoría
    4) ((a) measure of the quantity of matter in an object: The mass of the rock is 500 kilos.) masa

    2. verb
    (to bring or come together in large numbers or quantities: The troops massed for an attack.) reunirse, congregarse

    3. adjective
    (of large quantities or numbers: mass murder; a mass meeting.) masivo, multitudinario, de masas
    - mass-produce
    - mass-production
    - the mass media

    II mæs noun
    1) ((a) celebration, especially in the Roman Catholic church, of Christ's last meal (Last Supper) with his disciples: What time do you go to Mass?) misa
    2) (a setting to music of some of the words used in this service.) misa
    mass1 adj
    1. masivo / multitudinario / de masas
    2. masivo
    mass2 n
    1. misa
    2. masa / montón
    to hear mass oír misa
    to say mass decir misa
    high mass misa mayor
    low mass misa rezada
    requiem mass misa de difuntos
    1 (large quantity) montón nombre masculino, masa; (of people) masa, multitud nombre femenino, muchedumbre nombre femenino
    2 (majority) mayoría
    4 SMALLPHYSICS/SMALL (amount of matter) masa
    1 (crowd) congregarse, reunirse en gran número; (troops) concentrarse; (clouds) amontonarse
    1 reunir
    1 masivo,-a, multitudinario,-a, de masas
    1 SMALLPOLITICS/SMALL las masas nombre femenino plural
    mass grave fosa común
    mass hysteria histeria colectiva
    mass media medios nombre masculino plural de comunicación (de masas)
    mass murderer asesino,-a múltiple
    mass production fabricación nombre femenino en serie
    Mass ['mæs] n
    : misa f
    (§ pl.: masses) = cáfila s.f.
    gran cantidad s.f.
    macizo s.m.
    masa s.f.
    misa s.f.
    mole s.m.
    conjunto s.m.
    espesar v.
    reunir v.
    = Massachusetts

    N (Rel) misa f

    to go to mass — ir a misa, oír misa

    II [mæs]
    1. N
    1) (=concentration) masa f
    air 4., critical 2.
    2) masses * (=great quantity) montones * mpl, cantidad * fsing

    there's masses of work for her to dohay montones * or cantidad * de trabajo para ella


    the masses(=ordinary people) las masas

    4) (Phys) masa f
    VI [people, crowds, troops] concentrarse; [clouds] agruparse
    CPD [movement, action] de masas; [protest, unemployment, support] masivo; [suicide] colectivo; [tourism] en masa

    mass exodus Néxodo m masivo or en masa

    mass grave Nfosa f común

    mass hysteria Nhisteria f colectiva

    mass killing Nmatanza f, masacre f

    mass market Nmercado m popular

    mass media NPLmedios mpl de comunicación (de masas)

    mass meeting Nconcentración f de masas

    mass movement Nmovimiento m de masas

    mass murder Nmatanza f, masacre f

    mass murderer Nautor(a) m / f de una matanza or masacre

    mass noun Nsustantivo m or nombre m no contable

    mass number Nnúmero m de masa

    mass production Nfabricación f en serie

    mass transit N(US) transporte m público

    * * *
    = Massachusetts

    English-spanish dictionary > mass

  • 20 infect

    transitive verb
    1) (contaminate) verseuchen
    2) (affect with disease) infizieren (Med.) ( with mit)

    the wound became infecteddie Wunde entzündete sich

    3) (with enthusiasm etc.) anstecken
    * * *
    (to fill with germs that cause disease; to give a disease to: You must wash that cut on your knee in case it becomes infected; She had a bad cold last week and has infected the rest of the class.) infizieren
    - academic.ru/37946/infection">infection
    - infectious
    - infectiously
    * * *
    to \infect sb/sth [with sth]
    1. (contaminate) with disease, virus, etc jdn/etw [mit etw dat] infizieren [o anstecken]
    to \infect sth with sth COMPUT with computer virus etw mit etw dat infizieren
    2. ( fig pej: pass on sth undesirable) jdn/etw [mit etw dat] infizieren fig
    hysteria about AIDS \infected the media die Aidshysterie griff auf die Medien über
    3. ( fig approv: pass on sth desirable) jdn/etw [mit etw dat] anstecken
    she \infected everyone with her cheerfulness ihr Frohsinn war ansteckend
    * * *
    1) wound, blood infizieren; (lit) person anstecken, infizieren; water verseuchen, verunreinigen; meat verderben

    his wound became infectedseine Wunde entzündete sich

    * * *
    infect [ınˈfekt] v/t
    1. MED jemanden oder etwas infizieren, jemanden anstecken ( beide:
    with mit;
    by durch):
    become infected sich infizieren oder anstecken;
    infected area verseuchtes Gebiet
    2. BOT befallen
    3. a) die Luft verpesten
    b) fig die Atmosphäre vergiften
    4. fig jemanden anstecken ( with mit):
    a) mitreißen
    b) (moralisch) verderben, (ungünstig) beeinflussen
    * * *
    transitive verb
    1) (contaminate) verseuchen
    2) (affect with disease) infizieren (Med.) ( with mit)
    3) (with enthusiasm etc.) anstecken
    * * *
    anstecken v.
    infizieren v.

    English-german dictionary > infect

См. также в других словарях:

  • Hysteria —    In 1802, Paris psychiatrist Jean Baptiste Louyer Villermay (1775–1837), in an essay differentiating hypochondria from hysteria, described a young female patient, uncertain about romance, who, at the sight of her loved one fainted, uttering… …   Historical dictionary of Psychiatry

  • Hysteria-Psychosomatic-Somatization —    In 1802, Paris psychiatrist Jean Baptiste Louyer Villermay (1775–1837), in an essay differentiating hypochondria from hysteria, described a young female patient, uncertain about romance, who, at the sight of her loved one fainted, uttering… …   Historical dictionary of Psychiatry

  • Hysteria — This article is about the state of mind. For other uses, see Hysteria (disambiguation). Women under hysteria. Hysteria, in its colloquial use, describes unmanageable emotional excesses. People who are hysterical often lose self control due to an… …   Wikipedia

  • hysteria — [[t]hɪstɪ͟əriə, AM ste̱r [/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT Hysteria among a group of people is a state of uncontrolled excitement, anger, or panic. No one could help getting carried away by the hysteria... Several were hurt in the panic. It was mass hysteria,… …   English dictionary

  • Hysteria (Def Leppard album) — Hysteria Studio album by Def Leppard Released 3 Augus …   Wikipedia

  • Hysteria (Album) — Hysteria Studioalbum von Def Leppard Veröffentlichung 3. August 1987 Aufnahme Februar 1984–Januar 1987 Label …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hysteria - The Def Leppard Story — is a 2001 television about the English hard rock/ heavy metal band Def Leppard. The film premiered on July 18, 2001 and is available on DVD in the US.PlotThe film revolves around the humble beginnings of the band, their rise to stardom, drummer… …   Wikipedia

  • Hysteria (Muse song) — See also Def Leppard song Hysteria Hysteria The Hysteria CD cover. Single by Muse from the …   Wikipedia

  • Hysteria (song) — Infobox Single Name = Hysteria Caption = CD cover Artist = Muse from Album = Absolution B side = Eternally Missed Released = 1 December 2003 Format = 7 , CD, DVD Recorded = Genre = Alternative rock, progressive rock Length = 3:47 Label = East… …   Wikipedia

  • Hysteria (альбом The Human League) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Hysteria. Hysteria …   Википедия

  • Hysteria (Human League album) — Infobox Album | Name = Hysteria Type = Album Artist = The Human League Released = May 1984 Recorded = Genre = Synthpop Length = Label = Virgin Records Producer = Hugh Padgham Chris Thomas The Human League Reviews = *Allmusic:rating|2.5|5… …   Wikipedia

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